The Swedenborg Library has public hours on Wednesday and Friday afternoons, from 1–5 PM Central Time.
Above, the monument to Swedenborg, whose vision of the new Jerusalem (Revelation, chapter 21 in the Bible) inspired city planner Daniel Burnham; in Chicago's Lincoln Park on a particularly beautiful day. Swedenborg looks benevolently toward the city, holding a copy of "Secrets of Heaven" to his heart.
For upcoming programs, click on the "Coming Programs & Events" button at left.
Friday, October 18, 6-7:30 PM A Zoom Program Nichiren Shu Buddhism with Kanjin Cederman Shonin
Nichiren Shu Buddhism is a branch of Mahayana Buddhism that emphasizes the teachings of the 13th-century Japanese monk Nichiren Daishonin (1222-1282). Nichiren Shu practitioners focus on the Lotus Sutra, which Nichiren considered the ultimate teaching of the Buddha. The central practice involves chanting the Odaimoku, “Namu Myoho Renge Kyo,” which means “Devotion to the Mystic Law of the Lotus Sutra.” Nichiren Shu also places a strong emphasis on community and service. Cederman often highlights the importance of Sangha, or community, in supporting individual practice and fostering a sense of belonging. Through various activities, including meditation sessions, study groups, and community service, Nichiren Shu practitioners work together to embody the teachings of the Lotus Sutra in their daily lives.
Contact us at for the Zoom Room details.
Kanjin Cederman Shonin, a prominent figure in Nichiren Shu, has dedicated his life to spreading these teachings. Born in Wheatfield, NY, Cederman became a Buddhist monk at 18 in the Chinese Tien Tai tradition. His journey led him to Toronto, where he met Tsukamoto Shonin, the head minister of the Toronto Nichiren Shu temple. Tsukamoto introduced Cederman to the Lotus Sutra, profoundly impacting his spiritual path.
Cederman’s teachings emphasize the importance of faith, practice, and study. He believes that by chanting the Odaimoku and studying the Lotus Sutra, individuals can awaken their Buddha nature and transform their lives. His approach is accessible and compassionate, making Nichiren Shu’s profound teachings understandable to a broad audience.
Sunday, October 20, 3–6 PM: Gathering for worship and fellowship.Join us in the Library for Bible reflection and conversation.
Thursday, October 24, 5 PM-7 PM: Gnostics Reborn?A special presentation by Archbishop William Behun, primate of the Johannite Gnostic Church of North America.
Archbiship Behun will be presenting on the Johannite tradition of modern gnosticism, a descendant of the Gnostic revival movements begun in France in the latter part of the 20th century. Archbishop Behun will introduce us to the specifics of the Johannite path, and what gnosticism means for interested parties today.
Location: Swedenborg Library 77 W. Washington St., Suite 1700 Chicago, IL (at Clark St & Washington)
When: Thursday, October 24, 5–7 PM
Fee: $10 donation suggested. Refreshments provided.
Ofrenda Set-Up Party: Friday, November 1, 3–6 PM
You are warmly invited to join the Swedenborg Society in setting up an ofrenda for All Soul's Day a meaningful tradition that honors the lives and spirits of those who have passed on. This year, our focus will be on celebrating individuals from the past who were inspired by the works of Emanuel Swedenborg, whose visionary writings have touched countless lives.
The ofrenda will feature figures such as William Blake, Helen Keller, and others who were deeply influenced by Swedenborg's ideas on the afterlife, spiritual growth, and the connection between heaven and earch.
Whether you are familiar with these figures or new to Swedenborg's thought, we welcome you to contribute with photos, mementos, or simply your presence. Let's come together to reflect, remember, and celebrate the enduring connection between the spiritual and physical worlds.
Location: Swedenborg Library 77 W. Washington St., Suite 1700 Chicago, IL (at Clark St & Washington)
When: Friday, November 1, 3–6 PM
Fee: None. Donations accepted.
Zoom Program: Tuesday, November 9, 7–8:30 PM. Swedenborg and the Inward Turn, with Rev. Robert McCluskey
In the mid 1700's, Swedenborg offered to the world a remarkable and profound gift: the internal sense of the Word. Not the objective, historical, literal sense re: events from long ago and far away. Instead, it was a turn to the subjective, personal, spiritual sense re: the inner life of the reader. His gift, and the means of attaining it, remains unique among the history of ideas.
But he also wrote that the Lord was effecting a sweeping renewal of religion in general, and the Christian Church in particular. He called it the Second Coming, in which the Lord is everywhere at work, moving to the re-establishment of his kingdom. In this way, we can say that Swedenborg was himself part of a larger, unfolding worldview known as the "inward turn." A worldview which sees human life not as a historical event, but as a psychological experience. A counterbalance to the world of scientists, which sees the world as "outside": external, mechanical, and materialistic.
We will briefly trace the history of this “inward turn,” Swedenborg’s contribution to it, and how it continues to inform modern consciousness. We are each called to turn inward, to find ourselves in the Bible and in the world, so that we might truly heed the advice of Socrates: know thyself!
Contact us as for the Zoom link.
Rev. Robert McCluskey has served the New York Swedenborgian Church and the Wayfarer's Chapel in Rancho Palos Verdes, California.
Scholar Dell Rose joins the Swedenborg Library
Dell J. Rose develops and hosts programs for the Swedenborg Library in Chicago. Dell holds the position of Swedenborg Doctoral Fellow with the Swedenborg Society in the United Kingdom, and he is a doctoral candidate at the Centre for the History of Hermetic Philosophy and Related Currents at the Universities van Amsterdam. His research focuses on the intersection of Western esotericism and political reform, particularly with Swedenborgianism in 19th century Britain.
To read Dell's latest article, click on the "Readings" navigational tab at left, and you will find his article "The House of David" at the top of the PDFs there, or click here: Readings.
Programs from the 2024 Annual Convention of Swedenborgian Churches May Be Viewed Online
Visit and scroll down to the logo seen at left to view via YouTube the programs being presented at the annual convention of Swedenborgian Churches at Michigan State University, from June 28 – July 2, 2024.
The Library's Dell Rose will be presenting a mini-course titled "The Satanic Tyranny of Money" on Sunday, June 30 at noon CST. This program will be found on YouTube shortly afterward.
To join online discussions of others who are reading Swedenborg's work, or to view video presentations, visit one of the sites below:
Off The Left Eye videos (organized by topic area:) Click Here.
For blog discussions of Swedenborgian and contemporary topics, or to download books:
Welcome to the Swedenborg Library in Chicago
Above: Common Ground lecturer Jerry Leitner addresses a group during a Swedenborg Library program taking place in James Parlor at 77 W. Washington St., Chicago.
Here you'll find information on upcoming events and programs on a wide range of topics, from spiritual practices, the world's religions, spirituality in America among others.
Our circulating book collection offers a range of contemporary books on spiritual topics, as well as the work of the 18C Swedish scientist and theologian Emanuel Swedenborg.
One of the insights that Swedenborg had about the heavenly realm was that people who lived the good of their religion of all religions were found there. The Swedenborg Library embraces that idea, and is an ecumenical center. People of all faiths, and those who aren't sure what they believe are welcomed here.
See Events & Programs for information on our upcoming programs. We look forward to seeing you then. Use the Contact Us form for information on our collection.
If you will be in downtown Chicago and would like to visit the Swedenborg Library, we are open Wednesday and Friday afternoons from 1:00-5:00 pm, Thursday afternoons prior to programs, and by appointment. Click on the Calendar link in the top left column for our hours and schedule.
For more info on upcoming programs, click on the "upcoming events" bar in the left-hand column.
Rebecca Armstrong, Julia Bachrach, Marc Ian Barasch, Rev. Kit Billings, Denise Breton, Herbert Bronstein, Sophy Burnham, Rabbi Menachem Cohen, Phil Cousineau, John DeBerry, Rev. Dr. George Dole, Rev. Dr. David Fekete, Barbara Geiger, Mercy Gilpatric, Jack Gilroy, John Haller Jr., Fatima Imam, Kenneth James, Sunny Dawn Johnston, Jim Kenney, Christopher Largent, Stephen & Robin Larsen, Erik Larson, Rev. Dr. James Lawrence, Jerrol Leitner, Dr. Wayne Martindale, Russell Lewis, Ron Miller, Dr. Raymond Moody, John Moulder, Sarah Odishoo, Paul Quinn, Rev. Dr. Jonathan Rose, Ahmad Sadri, Kristen Schaffer, Ann McNamara Smith, Richard Smoley, John Stolfo,Edward Sylvia, Brother Wayne Teasdale, Dr. Alfred Thomas, Pauline Viviano, Rev. Wilma Wake, John Wasik...